Généalogie acadienne

Fernand Léger

ID : I147588 Male

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Fernand had a prolific academic and professional life serving both as a missionary as well as a professor in Philosophy and Theology. He obtained his degree in Theology and was ordained as a Catholic Priest Sept. 26, 1959 in Bathurst, Canada. Soo

n after, he immigrated to Rome, Italy, where he lived from 1958 to 1961 and studied at the Pontificia Universita Gregoriana of Rome and graduated with a degree in Gregorian Theology and a License in Philosophy Angelicum.

In 1961 he left Italy and settled in Venezuela where he lived until the year 2000. During those years he carried out his ecumenical activities serving as a professor in Philosophy at the Catholic University of Tachira. Between 1962 and 1965 he act

ed as the Spiritual Director of the Seminar of Merida. Between 1965 and 1966 he served as Prefect of the Major Seminar of Caracas and acted as its administrator. From 1967-1969 he was Rector of the Seminar in Maracaibo. From 1969-1973 he was profe

ssor of Philosophy at San Cristobal Seminar and received his title as a Philosopher from the University of Laval, in Quebec, Canada in 1974. From 1974-1976 he was appointed Rector of Seminario Mayor de Caracas, carrying on since then his lecture

s as a Philosophy professor. He became a President of the Latin-America Religious Society in 1988.

Later, Fernand met his wife and formally requested to be dispensed from priesthood service to the Vatican State. In the year 2000 Fernand and his family settled in The United States of America. He loved his family most dearly as well as his friend

s and neighbors and was always very supportive.

Throughout his life Fernand granted us with his gifted enthusiasm and superb optimism, showing countless examples of profound faith, humility, decency, great resilience, eloquence and immense generosity, but most of all, what he will be remembere

d for is his unconditional love, wisdom and joy, in particular during his last months of great tribulation. (The Garland Texan.com)

Fernand Léger
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1. Léger, Félix Joseph I147578 Male

Lacroix, Anita I147579 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Mendez, Marlene Cecilia I400904 Female
ID : F178868
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 0
Résidence familiale : Garland, TX, en 2010 et en 2012

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