Acadian Genealogy

Marie-Blanche LeBlanc

ID : I281665 Female

This person passed away less than 250 years ago. To view this person, subscribe to a Premium account!

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1. LeBlanc, François dit Saint-Doux I2418 Male

Leblanc, Anne dit Nannette I2419 Female
Type :
Date :
Location :


1. LeBlanc, Amable I281664 Male
ID : F115794
Type :
Children : 15

LeBlanc, Aline Rebecca Marie I525924 Female
LeBlanc, Henriette I512672 Female
LeBlanc, Thaddée I283132 Male
LeBlanc, Marguerite I512673 Female
LeBlanc, Philippe I283137 Male
LeBlanc, Zéphirin I283139 Male
LeBlanc, Scholastique I281204 Female
LeBlanc, Euphémie I60272 Female
LeBlanc, Donat I512676 Male
LeBlanc, Julienne I512677 Female
LeBlanc, Isaïe I283140 Male
LeBlanc, Hyppolite I512681 Male
LeBlanc, Euphémie Marie I525920 Female
Richard, Thomas I512668 Male
Leblanc, Marie-Delphine I265592 Female

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A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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