Généalogie acadienne

Albert R. Ouellet

ID : I292822 Male

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Albert, a mason, as was his father before him, brought his trade with him when he emigrated from Canada to Maine in the 1950's at a time when a man's word was his bond. Albert put these convictions into practice and developed his highly successfu

l general contracting business, Ouellet Construction. Aside from his passion for his work, he developed a passion for flying, quickly mastering this as well. He also enjoyed golfing, playing cards and sharing his dry sense of humor with family an

d friends.


1. Ouellet, Magloire I356260 Male

Morneault, Irène I356261 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Clavet, Agathe I292759 Female
ID : F170335
Type :
Enfants : 7
Ouellet, Francine I292982 Female
Ouellet, Michel I293131 Male
Ouellet, Carmel I293095 Male
Ouellet, Donald I293135 Male
Ouellet, Carmella I293111 Female
Ouellet, Dean I293535 Male
Ouellet, Charlene I293128 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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