Généalogie acadienne

Frank Joseph LeBlanc

ID : I358403 Male

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Frank was loved and will be missed by all who knew him, always cracking a joke here & there, one never knew what he would say next. He spent some fun times singing at the music jams with Anthony Allain, but his passion was being a "Trucker", drivi

ng truck from transports to gravel trucks. He would be so happy behind the wheel of a big truck & he loved driving just driving anywhere. Frank & his wife would take off for a drive, never knew where they would end up, not too many roads, they hav

en't been on. Just driving for the pure pleasure of seeing the countryside, up until his final moments he had asked to be taken for one more ride. In Frank's teen-age years he worked for his Dad in the wood camps, driving his Dad's truck cuttin

g & hauling pulp wood to the local mills. Frank moved away from the Miramichi in 1955, married in Toronto, ON raising his family and held different service station & driving positions over the years, till he was offered a position with the Ministr

y of Transportation Ontario Mimico Yard, held that position for 18 dedicated years. His last position with them was being an Emergency Patrolman, where he would give assistance to motorist broken down on the Express Highways in and around Metro To

ronto. He loved that job and did it well. He retired from the Ministry (MTO) in 1998 to move back to his birthplace in the Miramichi. Bought his sister's Florine's house to reside in (Nelson) Miramichi. He said of our house (our mansion on the hil

l), but he always longed to go back to Ontario.


1. LeBlanc, Marcel Joseph I31170 Male

Daigle, Marie Délia I7240 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Girouard, Médora I358402 Female
ID : F151085
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 3
Mariage Source vers 1956

LeBlanc, Elsie I358406 Female
LeBlanc, John Paul I358404 Male
LeBlanc, Frankie Jr. I358405 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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