Généalogie acadienne

Alexander Boucher

ID : I370486 Male

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Alex was a veteran of the 2nd World war and the Korean Conflict. He fought with the Essex Scots during the 2nd World War and the R.C.R. in Korea. He was wounded at the Battle for the Hockwald forest in Germany.

Alex did a lot of volunteer work in his day. He was in scouting for 15 years where he was known as Mr. Kub Kar. He built Kub Kar Race tracks for almost every pack in the district and was also in charge of the Kub Kar racing. He coached little leag

ue baseball and was also involved with Meals on Wheels for a number of years. Alex and his wife Carmel were honoured as volunteers of the month in 1988. Alex was also a member of Royal Canadian Legion Branch #4, the R.C.R. Association and the Kore

an Vets Association.

Alexander Boucher
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1. Boucher, Pierre I370488 Male

Genaille, Virginia I370487 Female
Type : Mariés


1. Paul, Mary I370485 Female
ID : F156655
Type :
Enfants : 0

2. Paul, Carmel Mary I370489 Female
ID : F156657
Type :
Enfants : 7

Paul, Robin I898252 Female
Paul, Martin I898248 Male
Paul, Scott I898253 Male
Paul, Karen I898249 Female
Paul, Robert I898245 Male
Paul, Pierre I898250 Male
Paul, Duane I898246 Male

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L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Alexander Boucher
I370486 Male
