Généalogie acadienne

Norman LeBlanc

ID : I380577 Male

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Norm was discharged from the R.C.A.F in 1953 and worked for a short time for CNR. Joining 3M Canada as District Manager of his division for Atlantic Canada, he then formed his own company as a Manufacturer's agent and had to take early retiremen

t due to poor health. Norman was an active member of St. Augustine's Church, a scout leader with St. Bernard's Church and president of CYO. He was a former president of the N.B. Safety Council, Past National Vice President of the R.C.A.F Associati

on and Past President of Moncton, New Brunswick and Maritime R.C.A.F. He was also an active member of the Air Cadet League, both locally and nationally; and helped form the 650 Air Cadet Squadron. Norman was also a member of the Canadian Aviatio

n Historical Society, past director of APTA and a member with UCT for over 50 years. Former member of the Beausejour curling club and Pine Needles Golf Club. Chief referee of Moncton Minor Hockey, Norman was a lover of all sports and followed hi

s sons and grandsons.


1. , LeBlanc I380585 Male

inconnue, Épouse I380586 Female
Type : Mariés


1. McDonald, Dolores I380576 Female
ID : F161272
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 4
Mariage Source vers 1953

LeBlanc, Carolin I380582 Female
LeBlanc, Kim I380584 Male
LeBlanc, Cheryl I380578 Female
LeBlanc, Tracy I380580 Female

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Arbre ascendant

, LeBlanc
I380585 Male
Norman LeBlanc
I380577 Male
