Généalogie acadienne

Joseph Edgar Norbert dit Robbie Robichaud

ID : I411170 Male

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Robbie served with the Canadian Forces for 17 years prior to opening up 'Robbie's Barber Shop' in Oromocto. After retiring from barbering, Robbie

Joseph Edgar Norbert "Robbie" Robichaud loved to paint, bowl and was always seen handing out tickets at the church for Bingo. He loved to sing and often called in on Saturday mornings to CBC Radio where they later provided him with a CD of his son

gs. He was also a member of the Knights of Columbus and the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #93.

Joseph Edgar Norbert dit Robbie Robichaud
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1. Robichaud, Edgar I411168 Male

Benoit, Olive I411169 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Richard, Alice I411171 Female
ID : F184130
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 3
Résidence familiale : Oromocto en 2010

Robichaud, Michael I411172 Male
Robichaud, Ann Marie I411174 Female
Robichaud, Doris I411175 Female

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Joseph Edgar Norbert dit Robbie Robichaud
I411170 Male
