Acadian Genealogy

Jean-Charles Daigle

ID : I4637 Male

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1. Daigle, Olivier (1734 - ?) I3603 Male

Robichaud, Marie-Blanche I3604 Female
Type :
Date :
Location :


1. Richard, Marie-Christine (1769 - ?) I3599 Female
ID : F2351
Type : Married
Children : 11
Marriage Source 1 February 1790
Bonaventure (Rg Carleton)

Daigle, Olivier I3576 Male
Daigle, Jean-Louis I22726 Male
Daigle, Joseph I29813 Male
Daigle, Marie-Geneviève I11629 Female
Daigle, Marguerite Blancher I29820 Female
Daigle, Anonyme I29814
Daigle, Marie-Julie I8057 Female
Daigle, François-Joseph I29816 Male
Daigle, Pierre-Luc I29818 Male
Daigle, Janvier I23205 Male
Daigle, Bibianne I29819 Female

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Legend [+]
A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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Ascendant tree

Daigre, Charles
(1702 - 1760) I20699 Male
Daigle, Olivier
(1734 - ?) I3603 Male
Jean-Charles Daigle
I4637 Male
Robichaud, Joseph
(1704 - 1759) I2594 Male
LeBlanc, Claire
(1710 - ?) I2595 Female
