Généalogie acadienne

François Joseph dit Frank dit Buster Belliveau

ID : I471549 Male

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Frank retired from CN Rail as a Train Dispatcher in 1983.

He worked for CN for almost 39 years starting in 1944 as a telegrapher and was promoted to train dispatcher in 1951.

During his career at CN he worked in many stations in the Atlantic region.

Frank loved woodworking and was especially proud of his many lawn furniture projects.

He was an enthusiastic member of the Morse Telegraph Club and thoroughly enjoyed "Keeping the art of telegraphy alive" participating in a number of demonstrations in Halifax, Tatamagouch and Moncton.

He also regularly conversed with club members in Morse code with his telegraph equipment both via phone line and internet.

Sur la photo des deux hommes, Frank est assis et son beau-frère Neil Horseman est debout.

François Joseph dit Frank dit Buster Belliveau
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1. Belliveau, Antoine dit Tony (Téni le Driver) I363341 Male

LeBlanc, Julia I363342 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Horsman, Ena Mary I471550 Female
ID : F213123
Type :
Enfants : 2

Belliveau, Jocelyn I471552 Female
Belliveau, Michael I471551 Male

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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