Généalogie acadienne

Laurie Auffrey

ID : I503413 Male

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Avant sa retraite, M. Auffrey avait travaillé pour 39 ans avec le département du transport de la Province du N.-B.

As a youth he worked in lumber camps, dockyards and also on scows transporting gravel and timber on the Petitcodiac River.

He was later employed by the New Brunswick Department of Transportation where he retired with 39 years of service.

Laurie loved listening to jigs and reels as well as old country music typified by such singers as Wilf Carter and Hank Snow.

He was an avid outdoorsman who loved hunting, driving his ATV on trails and was most passionate about fishing shad, salmon, bass and sturgeon on his beloved Petitcodiac River.

Laurie Auffrey
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1. Auffrey, Arthur I328974 Male

Bourgeois, Annie I328975 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Bourgeois, Rita I503412 Female
ID : F227771
Type :
Enfants : 6
Résidence familiale : Dieppe en 2012 et en 2014

Auffrey, Anne-Marie I653068 Female
Auffrey, Louise I653069 Female
Auffrey, Laurianne I653065 Female
Auffrey, Raymond I653071 Male
Auffrey, Roger I653066 Male
Auffrey, Bébé I700324

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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