Généalogie acadienne

Mary Genevieve dit Genny Quann

ID : I507051 Female

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When she first moved to Moncton, she worked at the Royal Bank. She then worked with Famous Players Theatres and became the first female manager in the Atlantic Provinces, managing the Skyway Drive-In, Highfield Square Cinema and the Paramount Thea

tres, retiring after 35 years service. She was also President of the Atlantic Motion Pictures Exhibitor's Association. Genny attended Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church, where she was involved in many parish activities. She was a lon

g time volunteer with the Karing Kitchen, loved to travel, was a crocodile wrangler in Florida and a medal winner at her only ski racing event. She managed to score a Hole-in-One, although not a regular golfer. She was a bowler and a fitness buf

f (who twice walked the Confederation Bridge) and was an accomplished Christmas shopper! She was known for her kind heart, her generosity and warm friendship to all.

Mary Genevieve dit Genny Quann
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1. Quann, John I507049 Male

Atkinson, Gladys I507050 Female
Type : Mariés


1. LeBlanc, Henry Georges I259391 Male
ID : F229457
Type :
Enfants : 5

LeBlanc, George I259396 Male
LeBlanc, Michael I259398 Male
LeBlanc, Bernadette I259393 Female
LeBlanc, Élaine I259394 Female
LeBlanc, Daniel-Francis I259408 Male

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
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L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Mary Genevieve dit Genny Quann
I507051 Female
