Généalogie acadienne

Edmond P. Blanchard

ID : I593132 Male

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Il fut juge en chef de la Cour d'appel de la cour martiale du Canada et membre de la Cour fédérale.

Il a ­obtenu son diplôme de droit à l’Université Dalhousie et a été admis au Barreau du Nouveau-Brunswick en 1979. Il a ­pratiqué le droit à Campbellton avant d’être élu à l’Assemblée ­législative du Nouveau-Brunswick, où il a occupé un certain no

mbre de postes ­ministériels, y compris ­procureur général et ministre de la Justice, et ministre des Finances. En octobre 2000, il a été nommé juge de la Cour ­fédérale du Canada, Section de première instance et ­membre d’office de la Cour d'appe

l. En 2004, il a été nommé juge en chef de la Cour d’appel de la cour martiale du Canada.

He has benn Chief Justice of the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and a member of the Federal Court.

Juge Edmond completed his law degree at Dalhousie University and was called to the Bar of New Brunswick in 1979. He practiced law in Campbellton before being elected to the New Brunswick legislature where he held a number of ministerial positions

, including Attorney General and Minister of Justice, and Minister of Finance. In October 2000, he was appointed Judge of the Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division and ex officio member of the Court of Appeal. In 2004, he was appointed Chief Jus

tice of the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada.

Honorable Edmond P. Blanchard, Chief Justice of the Court Martial Appeal court of Canada and a member of the Federal Court.

He completed his law degree at Dalhousie University and was called to the Bar of New Brunswick in 1979. He practiced law in Campbellton before being elected to the New Brunswick legislature where he held a number of ministerial appointments includ

ing Attorney General and Minister of Justice and Finance. In October 2000, he was appointed Judge of the Federal Court and ex officio member of the Federal Court of Appeal. In 2004 he was appointed Chief Justice of the Court Martial Appeal Cour

t of Canada.

Edmond P. Blanchard
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1. Blanchard, Jean-Eudes dit John I229624 Male

Hughes, Rita I229625 Female
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