Généalogie acadienne

Brian Stephen Doucette

ID : I829282 Male

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Brian joined the Canadian Forces in 1977 and spent 23 years supporting various military aircraft as an avionics technician in several different and diverse capacities.  

In 1992, Brian was commissioned from the ranks as an aerospace engineering officer, later specializing in operational flight test activities.  

While posted to Cold Lake, AB in 1999, Brian showed his true character by risking his own life when he rescued a total stranger by pulling him out of a burning car. He would later receive the Governor General's Medal of Bravery for his actions.

In 2000, Brian retired from the CF and moved his family back to the Maritimes where he began work as a defence contractor in support of the CP140 Aurora.

He continued to do so until engaged in his battle against diffuse B-cell lymphoma starting in October 2019.

Brian Stephen Doucette
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1. Doucette, Edward dit Tom I615723 Male

, Glenna I615724 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. , Paulette I829283 Female
ID : F332268
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 2

Doucette, Kyle I829284 Male
Doucette, Kayla I829285 Female

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Brian Stephen Doucette
I829282 Male
, Glenna
I615724 Female
