Généalogie acadienne

Simon Peter Amirault

ID : I867480 Male

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He was a veteran of the Second World War serving in the Royal Canadian Army and was recently recognized by the Dutch Government for his service overseas.

He was also a member of the Army Reserves in Halifax for many years.

Moving to Halifax in the mid fifties to work as a barber, he was known to his many customers as "Cy" and eventually owned his own barber shop on the corner of Windsor and Almon Streets.

Resulting from injuries received in an auto accident in 1970 at age 47 years, he had been a long term patient for the last 33 years at the Camp Hill Veterans' Memorial in Halifax.

He became well-known to most who had any connection with CHVM during those years.

During these years he met many dignitaries, including Princess Di.

Simon Peter Amirault
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1. Amirault, Edmund Joseph dit Eddie I856776 Male

Belliveau, Margaret Eliza I856777 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. d'Entremont, Ann L. I867481 Female
ID : F348124
Type :
Enfants : 5

Amirault, Sandra I867497 Female
Amirault, Audrey I867499 Female
Amirault, Krysta I867501 Female
Amirault, Mahlan I867496 Male
Amirault, Melvin Louis I867484 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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