Généalogie acadienne

Dave Joseph LeBlanc

ID : I917810 Male

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He was a 4th degree knight of the William Penny Chapter #2181.

He was also the President of the Residents' Council at The Meadows.

He could play so many instruments, all by ear, and the guitar was always close at hand.

He enjoyed playing for seniors and fundraisers with Vic and the Boys, and the Knights' choir, and was always ready to entertain us at any time.

He worked as a chef for 29 years on the Bluenose Ferry and operated a catering business with his wife Bev.

Dave Joseph LeBlanc
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1. LeBlanc, Alfred David I847355 Male

Fitzgerald, Ann Estelle I847356 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Surette, Beverly dite Bev I933032 Female
ID : F375755
Type :
Enfants : 3

LeBlanc, Craig I933037 Male
LeBlanc, Wendy I933033 Female
LeBlanc, Rachelle I933035 Female

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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