Généalogie acadienne

Joseph dit Yvan Paradis

ID : I967446 Male

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Yvan a servi dans l'armée américaine pendant trois ans avant de devenir mécanicien de carrière.

Il a passé 35 ans à travailler chez Lewis-Boyle Inc., Berlin, Connecticut, où il a été continuellement reconnu pour son éthique de travail et ses compétences dans l'entretien et la réparation des chariots élévateurs.

Il était un membre à vie du troisième degré des Chevaliers de Colomb.

Il était également membre de la légion américaine Lozier O'Grady Post n ° 9609, Fort Kent.

Yvan served in the U.S. Army for three years before moving on to become a career mechanic.

He spent 35 years working with Lewis-Boyle Inc., Berlin, Conn., where he was continuously recognized for his work ethic and skill in maintaining and repairing forklifts.

He was a lifetime third degree member of Knights of Columbus.

He was also a member of American Legion Lozier O'Grady Post No. 9609, Fort Kent.

Yvan served in the U.S. Army for three years before moving on to become a career mechanic.

He spent 35 years working with Lewis-Boyle Inc., Berlin, Conn., where he was continuously recognized for his work ethic and skill in maintaining and repairing forklifts.

He was a lifetime third degree member of Knights of Columbus.

He was also a member of American Legion Lozier O'Grady Post No. 9609, Fort Kent.

Joseph dit Yvan Paradis
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1. Paradis, Rosaire I967443 Male

Gagnon, Cécile I967442 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Bouchard, Arlene I869434 Female
ID : F390341
Type :
Enfants : 2

Paradis, Gregory I967458 Male
Paradis, Paul I967463 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Joseph dit Yvan Paradis
I967446 Male
