Généalogie acadienne

Thomas Clavette

ID : I997348 Male

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Tom a servi dans l'armée américaine, 1948-1952.

Il est diplômé de l'Université du Maine - Orono, en 1957.

Il a enseigné les sciences, les mathématiques et l'exploitation forestière pendant 25 ans à la Fort Kent Community High School, où il a rencontré l'amour de sa vie, Anita Sirois.

En 1962, Tom a conçu et aidé à construire sa maison familiale sur la propriété familiale Clavette sur l'étang Daigle.

Tom served in the U.S. Army, 1948-1952.

He graduated from the University of Maine - Orono, in 1957.

He taught science, math and tree harvesting for 25 years at Fort Kent Community High School, where he met the love of his life, Anita Sirois.

In 1962, Tom designed and helped build his family home on the Clavette homestead property on Daigle Pond.

Tom served in the U.S. Army, 1948-1952.

He graduated from the University of Maine - Orono, in 1957.

He taught science, math and tree harvesting for 25 years at Fort Kent Community High School, where he met the love of his life, Anita Sirois.

In 1962, Tom designed and helped build his family home on the Clavette homestead property on Daigle Pond.


1. Clavette, Joseph (Willie) I997323 Male

Poirier, Eugénie Marie I997324 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Sirois, Anita I997349 Female
ID : F403020
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 5
Mariage 1960

Clavette, Margaret I997356 Female
Clavette, André I997359 Male
Clavette, Daniel I997363 Male
Clavette, Denise I997350 Female
Clavette, Nicole I997368 Female

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