Généalogie acadienne

Sifroi A. LeBlanc

ID : I170644 Male

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The former mayor held office from 1946 until 1949. He was the community's first mayor when it was incorporated as a village in 1946. The community, then Leger's Corner was renamed Dieppe with incorporation as a village in 1946 to commemorate th

e raid on Dieppe during the Second World War. Council then consisted of Mr. LeBlanc and Arthur H. LeBlanc, later to become the village's second mayor, as village councilors. The respected and well known official remained on council with electio

n of Mr. Arthur H. LeBlanc as mayor in 1949 following later by Cecil H. Dawson and with incorporation of Dieppe as a town in 1952 under then Mayor Adelard Savoie. Mr. LeBlanc retired from office in 1954 to become a member of the town planning comm

ission for Greater Moncton. He remained on the commission until 1964. Besides becoming the community's first chief magistrate, the ex-mayor also played a major part in the organization of the Dieppe's incorporation as a town. In 1958, he retire

d after 42 years service as a conductor with Canadian National and was made a life member of the CBRT. He was a veteran of the First World War, serving overseas from 1914 to 1918 and attended St. Therese Roman Catholic Church, Dieppe

Sifroi A. LeBlanc
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1. LeBlanc, Anselme Joseph I287227 Male

Comeau, Dauphine (Delphine) I287228 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Léger, Clémentine Marie Anne I170643 Female
ID : F67876
Type :
Enfants : 2

LeBlanc, Gérald Joseph S. I170820 Male
LeBlanc, Clément (Dr) Sigefroi I181301 Male

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V Individu vivant

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