Acadian Genealogy

Édelbert Zoël Babineau

ID : I198114 Male

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Édelbert Zoël Babineau
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1. Babineau, Eugène I262542 Male

Léger, Cécile I262543 Female
Type :
Date :
Location :


1. LeBlanc, Laura Marie Sara I198113 Female
ID : F79235
Type :
Children : 11

Babineau, Valmont I198146 Male
Babineau, Robert Joseph I586781 Male
Babineau, Camille Edward I79638 Male
Babineau, Éveline I198149 Female
Babineau, Eugène I198150 Male
Babineau, Dorice M. I27253 Female
Babineau, Laudia M. I142868 Female
Babineau, Anonyme I198152
Babineau, Ferdinand I198153 Male
Babineau, Aurèle (jumeau) I198155 Male
Babineau, Cécile (jumelle) I198154 Female

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A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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