Généalogie acadienne

Ronald Joseph Robert LeBlanc

ID : I201837 Male

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Résidence au cimetière Notre-Dame du Calvaire, 268, avenue Acadie, Dieppe, N.-B.

Avant la retraite, Mr LeBlanc avait travaillé au CN.

Il était membre des Chevaliers de Colomb, 3ième degré (conseil #1310).

Ron attended and graduated from Moncton High School in 1965.

He later attended the NBCC - Saint John, studying in Construction Electricity.

Ron was employed by CN Rail as an electrician for 28 years until his retirement in 1995.

He continued working, driving school buses for Laidlaw / First Student in the Memramcook and Moncton area, until very recently;

Ron was driving Motor Coaches for Coach Atlantic - Maritime Bus.

He was an enthusiast to all things to do with the Rail industry, while also being an avid rider and admirer of vintage motorcycles.

Ron was also a member of the Knight of Columbus, 3rd degree (council # 1310).

Ronald Joseph Robert LeBlanc
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1. LeBlanc, Ola I90144 Male

Babineau, Lina Marie Marguerite I90145 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Richard, Rita Marie Annette I672838 Female
ID : F175939
Type :
Enfants : 1
Leblanc, Julie I672839 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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