Acadian Genealogy

Émery Surette

ID : I236135 Male

This person passed away less than 250 years ago. To view this person, subscribe to a Premium account!

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M. Surette avait une passion pour la musique , il a joué avec plusieurs musiciens, donc plusieurs ont devenu de grands amis. Il prenait aussi du plasir a divertir les gens et souvent ont pouvait l'entendre jouer sa guitar au Centre Oncologi

e Dr Léon Richard, à des foyers pour des gens à besoins speciaux oû à des foyer de soins. Il avait une passion pour la guitare et était très connaissant sur ce sujet. Emery a toujours garder son sense d'humeur, durant sa maladie et jusqu'à la tout

e fin.

Emery will be remembered as a musician. He played music with numerous musicians, many of which have became great friends. He had an absolute passion for guitars, researched and was well versed on the subject, and ultimately would end up with th

e models he held in high esteem. He entertained in various locations such Dr. Leon Richard Oncology Centre, special needs and retirement homes. Emery also had a sense of humor and never stopped joking around, even during his illness and until th

e very end.

Émery Surette
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1. Surette, Albert I236122 Male

Bastarache, Anne-Marie dit Anna I236121 Female
Type :
Date :
Location :


1. LeBlanc, Élla I236136 Female
ID : F95468
Type : Married
Children : 2
Family residence : Dieppe en 2007

Surette, Ricky I466792 Male
Surette, Martin I466794 Male

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A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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