Acadian Genealogy

Paul-Émile Gallant

ID : I376421 Male

This person passed away less than 250 years ago. To view this person, subscribe to a Premium account!

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Residence Charlottetown, Î.-P.-É., en 1975
Note Ses 89 années ont été bien dépensées, dont plusieurs à travailler avec les Plantes des Océans Acadiens (55 ans !).
Tous ceux qui connaissaient Paul reconnaissaient que les Algues acadiennes étaient véritablement son deuxième amour après sa famille et qu'il se souciait profondément des gens avec qui il travaillait.

His 89 years were spent well, many of them working with Acadian Seaplants (55 years!).
Anyone who knew Paul recognized that Acadian Seaplants was truly his second love after his family and that he cared deeply for the people he worked with.
Paul-Émile Gallant
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1. Gallant, Ernest I376418 Male

Cormier, Albertine dite Bertha I376419 Female
Type :
Date :
Location :


1. Garland, Alice I376422 Female
ID : F159393
Type : Married
Children : 0
Family residence : Saint-Jean en 2009 et à Shelburne, N.-É., en 2020

2. Bourgeois, Léa I596811 Female
ID : F272320
Type : Married
Children : 5

Gallant, Roland I1042006 Male
Gallant, Lise I1042007 Female
Gallant, Paul I1042004 Male
Gallant, Nicole I1042008 Female
Gallant, Joanne I1042005 Female

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A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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