Généalogie acadienne

Thérèse Melanson

ID : I415282 Male

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Résidence Moncton en 2003

Thérèse était membre du conseil 1310 des Chevaliers de Colomb (Dames auxiliaires), du Club Beauséjour et de l'Université du troisième âge de l'U de M. Elle a fait partie de plusieurs autres comités, associations et clubs, tout au long de sa vie

. Elle a aidé à organiser, avec plusieurs autres personnes, la visite du pape Jean-Paul II à Moncton, en 1984.

She was an Assistant to the Director of Continuing Education with the University of Moncton for over 30 years prior to her retirement. Thérèse devoted her career and her life to helping others, most notably the many students that crossed her path

. Therèse played a prominent role in organizing the Papal Visit to Moncton in 1984. She was a member of the Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary 1310, a long standing member of the Beausejour Curling Club in Moncton, a member of the Universi

té du Troisième Âge at UdeM as well as many other prominent committees, associations and clubs throughout her life.

Thérèse Melanson
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1. Melanson, Edgar Joseph I415274 Male

LeBlanc, Agathe Marie dit Agnès I415275 Female
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