Généalogie acadienne

Carrie M. Michaud

ID : I428231 Female

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After high school, Carrie went to St. Petersburg Junior College in Florida for respiratory therapy. She then worked at the Houlton Regional Hospital, EMMC, NMMC, High View Manor as a CMA, and substituted at the Madawaska schools.

Carrie always looked at life with a positive attitude, had a sense of adventure, and had an exceptional heart of gold. She was one huggy angel! She helped anyone and gave much of herself. Her laughter and smile were contagious, as was the twinkl

e in her eyes that expressed it all. Her family was a priority 100% of the time. Family game playing nights, along with projects with her sons was an ongoing and fun time ritual. She also loved painting canvases, playing cards, the beach, travelin

g, farming on facebook, playing mini-golf & Wii, watching movies. She had a collection of unicorns, dolphins, snow globes, Mickey, and Chip & Dale. No words can express the special woman that she was! We will miss her forever!

Carrie M. Michaud
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1. Michaud, Jean-Paul I428229 Male

Carrier, Joan I428230 Female
Type : Mariés


1. Dechaine, Michael V. I428232 Male
ID : F192866
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 2

Dechaine, Éddie I428233 Male
Dechaine, Austin I428234 Male

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P Adopté par le père
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V Individu vivant

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Carrie M. Michaud
I428231 Female
