Généalogie acadienne

Opal Mary Marguerite Henry

ID : I504327 Female

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Mrs. Melanson was well known for her community and church involvement over the years. She was a former employee of Zellers until her retirement. She attended the former St. Theresa Church and than in recent years the Sacred Heart Cathedral. Sh

e was a woman of Faith. Member of the Sacred Heart Cathedral Catholic Women's League, Bathurst. She has received many awards and certificates for her volunteer work and leadership roles. She is a recent recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamo

nd Jubilee Medal.

Opal Mary Marguerite Henry
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1. Henry, Amos I448271 Male

Lejeune, Elizabeth dit Lizzie Young I448272 Female
Type : Mariés
Date : 27 juin 1911


1. Melanson, Doran Joseph I504328 Male
ID : F228206
Type :
Enfants : 5

Melanson, Eleanor I504329 Female
Melanson, Anne-Marie I504343 Female
Melanson, Sr Éva (MCR) I504331 Female
Melanson, Lorraine I504332 Female
Melanson, Cameron I504334 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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