Généalogie acadienne

Warren Comeau

ID : I529119 Male

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Warren volunteered in 1942 to serve his country. He landed at Juno Beach during the D Day Invasion of Normandy with the 12th Canadian Light Field Ambulance (Jeeps). Warren served as a medic in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. After the wa

r he pursued training in laboratory technology and became the Director of the Lab at the Tuberculosis Hospital in East Saint John and later in the same capacity at the Saint John General Hospital. He was the consummate Veteran. He was a Charter Me

mber of Branch # 87 Royal Canadian Legion where he severed as President on a number of occasions. He was the Service Officer as well as Poppy and Remembrance Chair for over 50 years. He marched vigorously in the victory parade during the 60th Anni

versary of the Liberation of the Netherlands where he was warmly embraced by legions of Dutch people. He was Charter member of the Greenwich Recreation Association. He was active in Scouting; a beloved coach and surrogate father to countless hocke

y and baseball players. His exuberance in critiquing the calls of umpires was unparalleled and legendary. He ran the Boston Marathon at the age of 51. He was a master of the superlative and was ever-encouraging to anyone who would listen to do the

ir best, no matter what. He was veracious reader. His passion for history and literature, particularly poetry was a source of great pleasure for him, and is a legacy to his family. In

Warren Comeau
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1. Comeau, Joseph I529104 Male

Hughes, Mildred Amélia? I529105 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Perry, Mary dit May Josephine I816747 Female
ID : F327429
Type :
Enfants : 0
Résidence familiale : Saint-Jean en 2012

2. McCarron, Marion Irene I529120 Female
ID : F240789
Type :
Enfants : 1

Comeau, John A. dit Jack I547041 Male

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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