Généalogie acadienne

Roger Charles Kaye

ID : I540288 Male

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Roger grew up in Sackville, NB where he attended Mount Allison University completing his Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science (geology). He had many diverse occupations over his life, beginning as a geologist in many rural parts of Northe

rn Ontario and Newfoundland. He and his young family moved to Bathurst in 1965 to begin work with Noranda.

He spent his summers as a teenager working on his grandfather’s farm in PEI and always felt a calling to return to these roots. In 1971 he and his family moved to Canobie where he blended his Noranda work with beef farming. In 1979 he made th

e move to rural life complete becoming a full time dairy farmer in Canobie up until his retirement. He was an active member of the North East Soil & Crop and Dairy Farmers of NB up until his retirement from farming and an active member of the Par

ish of New Bandon Anglican Church until his passing.

Roger Charles Kaye
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1. Kaye, Russell Charles I540286 Male

Gould, Margaret I540287 Female
Type : Mariés


1. Miller, Gladys Gail I540293 Female
ID : F246612
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 2
Mariage 9 novembre 1957
Sackville, N.-B.

Kaye, Peter I540289 Male
Kaye, Darren I540291 Male

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Roger Charles Kaye
I540288 Male
