Acadian Genealogy

Harry Wynberg

ID : I676916 Male

This person passed away less than 250 years ago. To view this person, subscribe to a Premium account!

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Premier fondateur, opérateur et propriétaire de Wynberg Landscaping Ltd. et de Dutch Nursery jusqu’à sa retraite, beaucoup de ses clients l’ont remercié plus tard de les avoir aidés à choisir et prendre soins de leurs plantes. Ses connaissance

s et sa patience à aider les gens au niveau des soins et de l’entretien de leurs achats ont permis à ses clients de connaître du succès avec leurs achats.

Harry Sr était un homme fier, fiable et courageux qui tenait sa parole; pour lui, une poignée de main était une affaire conclue. Il aimait se tenir occupé et n’aimait pas vieillir et voir ses capacités affaiblir. En plus de jardiner, il se plaisai

t à travailler le bois et voyager avec son épouse. Même s’il n’aimait pas les pauses publicitaires, il aimait regarder le curling, le tennis, le hockey et les Blue Jays de Toronto.

Original founder, owner-operator of Wynberg Landscaping Ltd. and Dutch Nursery until his retirement, many of his customers thanked him for decades later, in helping them choose and care for their plants. Many of them felt they would not have succe

eded without his impeccable knowledge and patience in explaining to them on how to plant and maintain their purchases.

Harry Sr. was a proud, reliable, courageous man who took great pride in keeping his word, and a hand shake meant something. He loved being busy and hated the toll age and illness had on his capacity to do what he wanted. Besides gardening, he enjo

yed wood working and travelling with his wife. Although he hated commercials, he loved watching curling, tennis, hockey and the Toronto Blue Jays.

Harry Wynberg
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Not available


1. Leijgraaf, Ann I676917 Female
ID : F186697
Type :
Children : 2

Wynberg, Debby I676915 Female
Wynberg, Harry Jr I602749 Male

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A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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Harry Wynberg
I676916 Male
