Généalogie acadienne

Béatrice Marie Alice Léger

ID : I84721 Female

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Mme Comeau a été très active dans sa communauté: organiste pour la paroisse Saint Clément, membre des Dames de Sainte-Anne et de la Ligue des femmes catholiques et membre de troupe de théâtre paroissiale. Elle aimait beaucoup voyager, appréciai

t les courses de chevaux, la musique, la correspondance et la photographie. Elle était une partisane inconditionnelle des Blue Jays de Toronto. || Beatrice had been active in St. Clement's Parish as organist, member of CWL and Dames de Ste-Anne

, visiting the sick and advising all who sought her counsel. She enjoyed traveling, including an unforgettable trip to Rome to see Pope John Paul II, when she was 82, and on to England and many parts of Canada and USA. Music, drama, photography an

d sports were a big part of her life. She was a great Blue Jays' fan and collected many souvenirs of the team. She kept abreast of current news, on TV as well as from three local papers both English and French. Her extensive family and friends, we

re privileged to have the benefit of her wisdom and counsel.

Béatrice Marie Alice Léger
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1. Léger, Raymond I38913 Male

Mills, Élise Alice I38914 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Comeau, Adolphe I339232 Male
ID : F142469
Type :
Enfants : 9

Comeau, Ida (jumelle) I339244 Female
Comeau, Maria (jumelle) I339245 Female
Comeau, Rita Marie Lorraine I339247 Female
Comeau, Éléanor Louise I339235 Female
Comeau, Eunice Marie Claire I339237 Female
Comeau, Marguerite-Marie I339246 Female
Comeau, Ola Mae Marie Florence May I339239 Male
Comeau, Albertine Marie Rosanna I339241 Female
Comeau, Esther Marie Gertrude I339242 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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