Généalogie acadienne

George Dellman dit Dell Therriault

ID : I888181 Male

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Dell worked for the State Department of Highways, following in his father's footsteps, until his retirement in 1966.

He engineered many highway projects in Eastern and North Central Washington.

During W.W. II, Dell served with the U.S. Army in the Counter Intelligence Corps.

He was in Japan after the war ended. He also served during the Korean Conflict.

He is a member of the American Legion Post #10 and the F.O.E. #204, both of Wenatchee.

George Dellman dit Dell Therriault
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1. Therriault, Leonard Mitchell I888177 Male

Risley, Maude Marie I888178 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Bender, Dorothy I888184 Female
ID : F356879
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 2
Mariage 1938

Therriault, Terry R. I888185 Male
Therriault, Gene Dellman I888186 Male

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L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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George Dellman dit Dell Therriault
I888181 Male
