Acadian Genealogy

Léopold Gilbert Violette

ID : I919869 Male

This person passed away less than 250 years ago. To view this person, subscribe to a Premium account!

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En 1946, il s'engage dans l'armée et sert en Europe.

Après la guerre, il s'installe à Hartford, CT, où il rencontre l'amour de sa vie, Blanche.

Ils ont élevé 2 enfants.

Ses nombreux emplois comprenaient être un homme de glace et travailler à la fois chez Royal et Underwood Typewriter, et en tant que machiniste dont il a pris sa retraite.

Ses nombreux emplois comprenaient être un homme de glace et travailler à la fois chez Royal et Underwood Typewriter, et en tant que machiniste dont il a pris sa retraite.

In 1946, he enlisted in the Army and served in Europe.

After the war, he settled in Hartford, CT, where he met the love of his life, Blanche.

They raised 2 children.

His many jobs included being an iceman, and working at both Royal and Underwood Typewriter, and as a machinist from which he retired.

His many jobs included being an iceman, and working at both Royal and Underwood Typewriter, and as a machinist from which he retired.


1. Violette, Onésime Alphonse I919373 Male

Violette, Agnès I919372 Female
Type :
Date :
Location :


1. Wenzell, Blanche I919870 Female
ID : F370166
Type :
Children : 2

Violette, Richard I919873 Male
Violette, Patricia I919874 Female

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Legend [+]
A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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