Pharmacien de profession, Alex a été propriétaire de la Pharmacie Dieppe ltée jusquà sa retraite en 1987. Il a vécu toute sa vie adulte à Moncton. Homme animé par lamour des gens et le besoin de contribuer à sa communauté, il sest impliqué dan s bon nombre dorganismes au cours de sa carrière. Au plan professionnel, il a longtemps été impliqué dans lAssociation des pharmaciens du Nouveau-Brunswick et la représenté au Conseil dadministration de la Croix Bleue. Ses intérêts étaient var iés et son engagement englobait plusieurs domaines dactivités, dont le Richelieu, la Chambre de commerce de Moncton, le Conseil scolaire francophone et la Commission des déchets solides. Dans la plupart de ces organismes, il a joué un rôle au niv eau du bureau de direction. À sa retraite, ce désir dengagement na pas diminué et il en a profité pour consacrer du temps aux affaires de sa paroisse. Il sest aussi découvert une passion pour la cuisine et lart. Il laisse derrière lui bon nomb re de tableaux qui lui ont procuré beaucoup de bonheur à peindre au cours de sa retraite et qui constituent de précieux souvenirs pour sa famille. Pharmacist by profession, Alex lived his adult life in Moncton and was owner and operator of Dieppe Pharmacy Ltd until his retirement in 1987. Driven by his need to give back to his community and its good causes, he participated actively in severa l organizations throughout his career. He loved his profession and was involved for many years in the NB Pharmaceutical Association. He also sat as its representative on the board of Blue Cross. Also, because of his wide-ranging areas of interest , he served on the Boards of several other organizations, namely the Club Richelieu, the Chamber of Commerce, the Westmorland-Albert Waste Management Commission, and the Francophone school board. When he retired, his need to contribute to his comm unity did not disappear so he dedicated many hours to church affairs. He also found new hobbies, notably cooking and painting, which gave him much pleasure and happiness during his retirement years. Furthermore, his collection of paintings ar e a testament to the talent and passion he brought to this endeavour and will hold fond memories for his family. |