Généalogie acadienne

Alice Marie Daigle

ID : I142285 Female

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Being one of the oldest of 16 children, Alice assisted with the mothering of her younger siblings. In 1949, at the age of eighteen, Alice moved to Saint John and had been a resident of west Saint John since that time. She was married to the lat

e Marc Emile Ouellette. Alice had many interests besides her roles and responsibilities as wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Throughout the years, she worked as a professional cleaner. Alice loved gardening as a past time; a hobb

y that was passed on to all her children. Alice enjoyed sewing, knitting and quilt making for her family. She also dabbled in various arts and crafts, which she also shared with family. Singing and dancing was an important part of her childhood an

d Alice always loved music and dancing. Alice met her husband Marc at a dance, and they passed their love of singing and dancing on to their children. Alice later participated in country line dancing and clogging. She also practiced Tai Chi and Yo

ga. Alice enjoyed playing cards and bingo, especially in her retirement years. She was a busy auxiliary member of the Knights of Columbus, Council #5770. Alice's sense of humour was thoroughly enjoyed by her children, family and friends. Her humil

ity, kindness, compassion, warmth, understanding, and wisdom were qualities from which many benefited.

Alice Marie Daigle
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1. Daigle, Frederick Joseph I142279 Male

Comeau, Catherine Mary I142278 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Ouellette, Marc I142286 Male
ID : F56237
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 5

Ouellette, Linda I512427 Female
Ouellette, Norma I512429 Female
Ouellette, Giselle I512431 Female
Ouellette, Germaine I512425 Female
Ouellette, Fernand I512433 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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