Après ses études à la Fredericton High School (1945), il a étudié à la UNB et a obtenu son diplôme du Maritime College of Pharmacy. Il a été pharmacien en chef chez Robbins Ltd. à Saint-Jean. Il a ouvert la première pharmacie à Dieppe à la fin des années 1950. Plus tard, il est devenu propriétaire de la Medical Arts Pharmacy. L'avancement de la pharmacie communautaire lui tenait à coeur et il en a fait le centre de sa carrière . Il a été élu président de l'Association des pharmaciens du N.-B. (1968); président de l'Association des pharmaciens du Canada (APhC) (1975); et président du Bureau des examinateurs en pharmacie du Canada. Il a été secrétaire et registraire de l' Ordre des pharmaciens du N.-B. jusqu'à sa retraite. En 1982, il a reçu le prestigieux prix de mérite Robins Bowl of Hygeia pour sa contribution à la pharmacie et à sa communauté. Lors du récent centenaire de l'APhC, il a été reconnu comme l'un de s cent pharmaciens les plus influents du siècle. Dans sa vie personnelle, Vic appréciait les plaisirs de la vie au chalet et les repas traditionnels. Il aimait discuter de politique, écouter du jazz, jouer au bridge et voyager. In his early years, Vic lived in Shippagan and Fredericton. Upon graduation from Fredericton High School in 1945, he enrolled in the science department of the University of New Brunswick. He graduated from the Maritime College of Pharmacy, and became chief pharmacist for Robbins Ltd in Saint John NB. In the late 1950s, he became the first to open a pharmacy in Dieppe, NB. He later owned and managed Medical Arts Pharmacy in Moncton . The focus of his career was his commitment and dedication to the advancement of community pharmacy. His peers elected him President of the New Brunswick Pharmacists Association in 1968. He was later Secretary-Registrar of the New Brunswick Phar maceutical Society until his retirement. In 1975, he was elected President of the Canadian Pharmaceutical Association (CPhA). He was also a former president of the Pharmacy Examining Board. In 1982, he received the prestigious Robins Bowl of Hyg eia Award in recognition for his outstanding community service to the profession of pharmacy and to his community. He always looked forward to his annual discussion with the Pharmacy students at Dalhousie University about their future roles as hea lthcare professionals. When the CPhA recently celebrated its centennial, Vic was named one of the top 100 pharmacists of the last century. He was a past member of the Moncton-West Riverview Rotary Club and of the Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce. In his personal life, Vic enjoyed the pleasures of family life at the cottage, preparing traditional family meals, making his own wine, discussing politics, listening to live jazz music, and playing bridge. In Florences devoted company, he deligh ted in long, healthy walks, practicing tai-chi and planning the next big trip. His passion for travel enabled them to visit South America, South Korea and the Caribbean. |