Généalogie acadienne

Léo Joseph Boucher

ID : I158585 Male

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Leo was a member of the Canadian Armed Forces (Army) for 25 years. He went to Fort Louis for training in Washington DC then to Korea until 1952. He served in Egypt from 1955-1959 and completed 3 summer combat tours to Alert in the Artic. Leo retir

ed from the Armed Services to return to his hometown of Minto in October 1975.

For serving his country Leo has received many medals. Always humble about his achievements he wore them with pride and honor.

Leo received many recognition awards from the poppy campaign and the Girl Guides of Canada for helping out at different camps and supporting his wife (who did not drive) as a leader.

When Leo was in Montreal before joining the service he took courses in plumbing and heating; worked as an apprentice and received his certificate of qualification from the Dept. of Labour. While in the Army Leo did a lot of supervising and contrac

ting in the field.

Léo Joseph Boucher
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1. Boucher, Lévi I684680 Male

Girouard, Cyrienne I158584 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Bryan, Iona I684681 Female
ID : F209121
Type :
Enfants : 4

Boucher, Yvonne I684686 Female
Boucher, Béatrice I684699 Female
Boucher, Gérald I684682 Male
Boucher, Gail I684684 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Léo Joseph Boucher
I158585 Male
