Généalogie acadienne

Viola Marie Daigle

ID : I21303 Female

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She was employed at Stedman's for 25 years and at Cap Lumiere until her retirement. She attended the St. Louis de Gonzague Roman Catholic Church, Richibucto, NB. She was an active member of the Recreation Council and taught catechism for many year

s. She joined the St. John Ambulance in 1976 and was an active member until it disbanded. During her service she received many awards and certificates for service. In 1981 she received a Priority Vote of Thanks from Gov. General H. Robichaud

. In 1988 Viola was invested to the Order of Service Sisters of St. John of Jerusalem in Ottawa by Gov. General Jeanne Sauve. In 1990 she received a service medal from Lt. Gov. Gilbert Finn. Viola also helped with canvassing for Cancer, Blind an

d Heart & Stroke in her community. In 1995 Viola was presented with two plaques by Mayor Gary Fontaine for recognition of past and present community involvement and volunteer work and the NB United Nations Association of Canada Award. Viola was st

ill active in the Golden Age Club of Rexton, the C.W.L. of Richibucto and the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 30.

Viola Marie Daigle
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1. Daigle, Richard Joseph I21266 Male

Guimond, Vitaline I21267 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Long, Leroy dit Roy I21304 Male
ID : F10620
Type :
Enfants : 3

Long, Alice I31069 Female
Long, Patricia I107010 Female
Long, Albert I107014 Male

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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