Généalogie acadienne

Susan Hachey

ID : I224406 Female

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Résidence Berry Mills en 2007

She moved to Moncton in 1977 when her mother and father, Clara and Edmond, made a decision to return to New Brunswick, the place of their birth. In 1997, she opened a bakery in Petty and became well known for her brown bread. After the decisio

n to close her bakery in order to focus on her daughter, people continued to call her at home to try and convince her to make them her bread.

Sue loved to just get in the car and drive to new places and travel with her daughter, Sarah, and close friends. She was outgoing and loved to laugh, and thought there was no better thrill than finding a good bargain. She was quick witted, an

d as all her friends know, had a response for everything. Sue became a gardener in recent years and loved to sit with her cup of tea on the deck, admiring her flower gardens. She loved to write poems and share them with her friends and family. Th

ey were loved and cherished by those who received them. The love of her life was her daughter, Sarah. Sue was a loving mother who lived each day for her daughter, always proud of her successes.

Throughout her battle with Cancer, Sue remained strong and her love of family never wavered. Through the good days and the bad, she kept a smile on her face and showed us the strength she had within to live each day the best she could.


1. Hachey, Edmond I224402 Male

Vautour, Clara Élizabeth I224401 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. , Dole I526696 Male
ID : F239557
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 1

Dole, Sarah Hachey I526697 Female

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Susan Hachey
I224406 Female
