Généalogie acadienne

Sylvio Paulin

ID : I233022 Male

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Sylvio throughout his life was a proud veteran of his Military Service during World War II. He was a gunner with the 14th Field Regiment of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division that landed on Juno Beach during the Invasion of Normandy of D Da

y -- June 6, 1944. From Normandy, he advanced with the 3rd Division through Northern France on to Holland and eventually into Germany until the end of the war. He remained in service for a short period of time afterwards during the Occupatio

n of Germany. Although sometimes reserved in discussing his service, he often shared stories with his sons & family who will forever cherish these war time memories, and was a long-time member of the Royal Canadian Legion. Sylvio retired from Wor

kSafeNB after 30+ years of service and volunteered on several boards throughout his retirement.

Sylvio Paulin
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1. Paulin, Henri I264260 Male

Boudreau, Euphémie I264259 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Cormier, Marguerite Géralda I233021 Female
ID : F94062
Type :
Enfants : 5
Résidence familiale : Saint-Jean en 2007 et en 2012

Paulin, Georges I249197 Male
Paulin, Robert I626684 Male
Paulin, Norma I626688 Female
Paulin, Glenda I626690 Female
Paulin, Paul I626692 Male

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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