Généalogie acadienne

Bernard Alphonsus Maloney

ID : I239730 Male

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Mr. Maloney was employed by the DVA Hospital as a heating plant engineer for 25 years.

He worked 2 years in Labrador, before his retirement in 1977.

He served in the Canadian Armed Forces during World War ll in the first Brighton Fortress Royal Canadian Engineers.

He served for seven years both in Canada and the United Kingdom.

He was a member of the Dr. Collin's TVS Branch of Legion for 36 years.

He was a long time member, and past board member, of the KBM Outing Association.

Bernard Alphonsus Maloney
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1. Maloney, Alfred Michael I714853 Male

Goodine, Gladys Elizabeth I714854 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Finnigan, Marie Elvina I239729 Female
ID : F97038
Type :
Enfants : 10

Maloney, Betty Ann I779566 Female
Maloney, Léo I779560 Male
Maloney, Linda I779568 Female
Maloney, Ronald I421962 Male
Maloney, Theresa I779562 Female
Maloney, Cathleen I779570 Female
Maloney, Mary Lou I568228 Female
Maloney, Gerald I779564 Male
Maloney, Maureen I779572 Female
Maloney, Robert I779558 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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