Généalogie acadienne

Louis Melanson

ID : I264721 Male

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He served in World War II with the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals (RCCS) in Canada and overseas, Sargeant 2RNBR North Shore Reserve and was a member of the Herman J. Good, V.C. Br. 18 of the Royal Canadian Legion, Bathurst. He worked at the for

mer Bathurst Pulp and Paper Mill for 45 years before retiring. He was a Scout leader for the South Bathurst Boy Scout for many years, was a member of the Bathurst Planning Commission and was a very active member of the former St. Theresa Churc

h parish. Louis spent many hours on the river of the surrounding areas fly fishing for salmon and dipped his line many of the lakes and rivers for trout with his wife and friends. He was a member of the Nipisiquit Salmon Association. Besides hi

s love of fishing, he spent many hours in his fly tying room making flies for himself and in later years for many of the other fisherman of the rivers.


1. Melanson, Jérôme Pierre I264722 Male

Thériault, Marie Anne Annie Anna I264723 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Aubé, Odile I264720 Female
ID : F108314
Type :
Enfants : 7
Résidence familiale : Bathurst en 2008 et en 2010

Melanson, Gregory I346044 Male
Melanson, Roger I395730 Male
Melanson, Yvette I395725 Female
Melanson, Louie I395732 Male
Melanson, Sr Patricia I395727 Female
Melanson, Tommy I395734 Male
Melanson, Joanne I395728 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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