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Annie Anna Grattan
ID : I268178
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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Always willing to participate in various activities and in numerous associations. She gave her heart and soul to people in need and in all walks of life. She had worked at Eatons, Zellers, Atlantic Loto, but people will mostly remember her as th e dental assistant for Dr. Georges Cormier. Upon retirement, she spent countless hours volunteering in numerous fields especially at the Dr. G-L. Dumont Hospital UHC where she received a medal from the City of Moncton for 25 years of volunteering . She was a woman of many accomplishments and travelled extensively over the years. She was even a contestant and winner on the TV Show The Price is Right, was selected Maritimer of the week on ATV Live at Five, and walked the Confederation Br idge at its grand opening. She was a member and past director of the Christ-Roi Golden Age Club and also devoted many long and tireless hours for her parish, Christ-Roi. |
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Annie Anna Grattan