Généalogie acadienne

Irène Mary Levesque

ID : I271747 Female

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During her remarkable life, she was involved in numerous activities, including choir, bridge, lawn bowling, line dancing, golf and her favorite, curling. She was a Charter Member of the Ladies Division of the Beauséjour Curling Club, a lifetim

e member and a former past President. She became a member of the Catholic Women's League 75 years ago, recently receiving the prestigious Maple Leaf Pin in recognition of her service. However, her musical talents of singing and playing the piano/o

rgan with such joy and enthusiasm, is what many will remember. There were numerous masses, wedding, funerals, etc in the early years and then many fun times at the P.P.T., where her "magic" fingers brought pleasure to many celebrations.

Irène Mary Levesque
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1. Lévesque, Narcisse I271745 Male

Bujold, Esther Bijeau I271746 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Doucet, Alfred A.J. dit Fred I271748 Male
ID : F111264
Type :
Enfants : 5

Doucet, Maurice I271751 Male
Doucet, Raymond I271753 Male
Doucet, Joyce Dorothy I271758 Female
Doucet, Joseph Alfred dit Duke I271749 Male
Doucet, Victor dit John I271755 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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