Généalogie acadienne

Arthur Louis Caissie

ID : I27743 Male

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Résidence Dartmouth en 2007 et en 2011
Note Art a servi pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale de 1939 à 1946. Il a servi dans divers pays européens, dont l'Angleterre, la France, la Sicile et l'Allemagne avec la 8e batterie de Moncton de l'Artillerie royale canadienne.
Il a été mentionné dans les dépêches et honoré d'une feuille de chêne en bronze pour sa conduite courageuse et vaillante. Après d'éminents services, il est rapatrié en 1946.

Art était un résident de longue date de Dartmouth, déménageant dans la ville en décembre 1959 de Dieppe, N.-B. poursuivre sa carrière de météorologue.
Il a pris sa retraite en 1982 du ministère de l'Environnement à Bedford. Dans ses premières années, il était un collectionneur passionné de timbres et aimait pêcher, jouer aux quilles et jouer au bridge.
Art served in the Second World War from 1939 to 1946. He saw service in various European countries including England, France, Sicily and Germany with the 8th Moncton Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery.
He was Mentioned in Dispatches and honoured with a bronze oak leaf for brave and valiant conduct. After distinguished service he was repatriated in 1946.

Art was a long time resident of Dartmouth, moving to the city in December 1959 from Dieppe, N.B. to pursue his career as a meterologist.
He retired in 1982 from the Department of the Environment in Bedford. In his earlier years he was an avid stamp collector and enjoyed ?shing, bowling and playing bridge.
He was a natural golfer and loved to play the game with his sons. In later years, he still enjoyed watching golf and hockey from his armchair.
Art served in the Second World War from 1939 to 1946. He saw service in various European countries including England, France, Sicily and Germany with the 8th Moncton Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery.
He was Mentioned in Dispatches and honoured with a bronze oak leaf for brave and valiant conduct. After distinguished service he was repatriated in 1946.

Art was a long time resident of Dartmouth, moving to the city in December 1959 from Dieppe, N.B. to pursue his career as a meterologist.
He retired in 1982 from the Department of the Environment in Bedford. In his earlier years he was an avid stamp collector and enjoyed ?shing, bowling and playing bridge.
He was a natural golfer and loved to play the game with his sons. In later years, he still enjoyed watching golf and hockey from his armchair.
Arthur Louis Caissie
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1. Caissie, Édouard (Ned) I27654 Male

Thibodeau, Sarah I27655 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Arsenault, Lorette I265956 Female
ID : F108826
Type :
Enfants : 6
Résidence familiale : Dartmouth, N.-É., en 1996 et en 2001

Casey, Laura I511371 Female
Casey, Reg I511365 Male
Casey, Patrick I511367 Male
Casey, Michael I394622 Male
Casey, Paul I511369 Male
Casey, Bernie I511363 Male

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