Généalogie acadienne

Laurie Pellerin

ID : I292400 Male

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Résidence Maine en 2008

He immigrated to the United Sates in 1963 and lived in Waltham before moving to Westbrook, Maine in 2000.

Laurie worked as a truck driver for many years for Cutter-Northern Trucking Company in Woburn before retiring in 2000. He was a longtime member of Saint Joseph's Church in Waltham. Laurie always enjoyed taking trips back home to Canada to visit wi

th his family, playing Bingo, taking occasional trips to the local casino and watching westerns and hockey games on television.

Laurie Pellerin
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1. Pellerin, Adélard I52342 Male

Bourgeois, Delphine I52341 Female
Type :
Date :
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1. N/D

Pellerin, David L. I626544 Male
Pellerin, Lori I626546 Female
Pellerin, Donald J. I626541 Male
Pellerien, Jean M. I626542 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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