Généalogie acadienne

John Charles dit Big Jack Guitard

ID : I293486 Male

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He joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1964 and spent four years as a peacekeeper, serving all over Europe. He was a proud recipient of the NATO Service Medal. He returned home from the military in 1967 and spent the next 37 ½ years working at th

e Dalhousie mill as a papermaker, retiring in December of 2004. Jack spent twelve years on Darlington Village Council and Dalhousie Town Council. Volunteer organizations such as the Dalhousie Fire Department, Boy Scouts, Meals on Wheels, the Bo

n Ami Festival, and the Royal Canadian Legion benefited from his hard work. Post retirement, Jack was a regular at Tim Horton's, enjoyed tinkering in his workshop, combing the beach and taking day trips around northern NB. Throughout his life, Jac

k had tremendous community pride and served as an unofficial ambassador for the Town.


1. Guitard, Charles Alfred I363169 Male

Poirier, Marie-Louise dit Mary I363170 Female
Type : Mariés
Date : 5 novembre 1945
Lieu : Dalhousie, N.-B.


1. Morin, Marielle I293485 Female
ID : F121687
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 3
Résidence familiale : Dalhousie en 2000 et en 2008
Mariage Source 3 mai 1969

Guitard, Tamara I482787 Female
Guitard, Sophia Lee I363171 Female
Guitard, Jennifer Marie I363173 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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John Charles dit Big Jack Guitard
I293486 Male
