Généalogie acadienne

Doreen Boone

ID : I307272 Female

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Doreen’s enthusiasm for life is best expressed through her experiences gathered and love imparted. Independent from the start, she found her first job at the Homestead Inn in Fredericton, in the late 1930’s, at the age of 12. During the War year

s she gained a business education in the Canadian Women’s Army Corps. She then lived in Windsor, Ontario where she worked as a payroll officer, following which she returned to Fredericton and met her future husband, a pilot in the R.C.A.F. Her com

mitment to God, Country and Commonwealth was forged by events such as the sacrifice of two uncles at Vimy Ridge, her coming of age between and within wars, and her eventual marriage to a fellow serviceman.

She enjoyed many pursuits, including synchronized swimming, golf, curling, writing and laughing. She was never shy to try something new or look at old things in new ways. Her payroll experience enabled her in many professional and volunteer roles

, including tax work and treasurer functions. For years she was Treasurer and Education Officer for the IODE Sir Howard Douglas Chapter, Secretary/Treasurer and Official Representative of York South Liberal Association and generally a tireless org

anizer of events for the many organizations fortunate enough to enjoy her affiliation. Her writing skills provided another creative outlet and resulted in forays into professional journalism and many years of distinctive yet unattributed bulleti

n and announcement writing for those many organizations. Local readers will have read many of Doreen’s words over the years without any knowledge of the scribe’s identity. More obvious, at least to those with whom she engaged in the game, were he

r nearly peerless Bridge-playing skills.

Doreen Boone
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1. Boone, Byron I447854 Male

, Mabel I447853 Female
Type : Mariés


1. Gould, William Irvine dit Bill I307273 Male
ID : F127589
Type :
Enfants : 4

Gould, William dit Bill Jr. I307282 Male
Gould, Douglas I307284 Male
Gould, Frederick dit Fred I307281 Male
Gould, Kathryn Elizabeth I307286 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Doreen Boone
I307272 Female
, Mabel
I447853 Female
