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Thelma Elizabeth
ID : I311269
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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Thelma was a long-time resident of Moncton. She and Jacques moved to Moncton in 1959, and raised their family in the community. While her children were still in school, Thelma spent her days taking care of them. She also found the time to give cou ntless hours in volunteer service in the community, many in service for the Canadian Mental Health Association. When her children had graduated, Thelma entered the workplace full-time, and put her many prior years of volunteer experience to goo d use. She was a driving force behind the Moncton Volunteer Centre, formed in 1977, becoming its director, and for a number of years was also the Maritime representative on the National Volunteer Board. She retired from her administrative dutie s in 1996, and moved to Calgary in 2002 to be closer to her children and their families. |
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Thelma Elizabeth