Micheline a obtenu son diplôme d'infirmière immatriculée de la Victoria Public Hospital School of Nursing de Fredericton, N.-B., en 1967. Micheline et Paul se sont mariés à Grand-Sault, en 1971, et ont habité Marysville, N.-B. En 1972, ils on t déménagé à Sarnia, Ontario, où leurs enfants sont nés. Durant sa carrière d'infirmière, Micheline a travaillé à Fredericton, Grand-Sault, Kingston, Sarnia, Coquitlam, Calgary et Cold Lake. En Alberta, elle a travaillé au Alberta Children's Hospital, au Rockyview General Hospital et au Mayfair Nursin g Home. En 1997, Micheline et Paul ont déménagé à Houston, Texas, pour trois ans. Cest à ce moment que Micheline s'est impliquée bénévolement comme coordonnatrice de la Alzheimer's Care Team de la St. John Vianney Church. Durant les 12 dernière s années à Calgary, Micheline a été une bénévole active comme coordonnatrice du Pastoral Care dans la paroisse St. Peter's. Elle était également très active dans d'autres activités paroissiales et au sein de la Catholic Women's League (CWL). Ell e avait obtenu récemment l'épingle commémorative de 25 ans de service dans la CWL. Micheline adorait ses quatre petits-enfants. Son plus grand bonheur était de s'impliquer activement dans leur quotidien. She graduated as a Registered Nurse from the Victoria Public Hospital School of Nursing in Fredericton, NB, in 1967. Micheline and Paul were married in Grand Falls, NB, in October 1971, and lived in Marysville, NB. In 1972 they moved to Sarnia, ON , where their children were born. Over her nursing career, Micheline worked in Fredericton, Grand Falls, Kingston, Sarnia, Coquitlam, Calgary and Cold Lake. In Calgary she worked at Alberta Children's Hospital, Rockyview General Hospital, and Mayfair Nursing Home. Micheline and Pa ul moved to Houston, TX, in 1997 for 3 years and Micheline began volunteering as coordinator of the Alzheimer's Care Team, a ministry of St. John Vianney Church. For the past 12 years in Calgary, Micheline has been an active volunteer in St. Peter 's Parish as coordinator of the Pastoral Care ministry and in other activities with the Parish and the CWL. She recently received a CWL 25 year pin. Micheline cherished her four dear grandchildren. Having been able to be so involved with their dai ly lives was her greatest joy. Micheline remained surrounded by her friends when her illness was making it difficult to go on. She always wanted to be courteous and would be glad to know that she remained gracious to her loved ones, friends and caregivers to the end. |