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Éric Vautour
ID : I32103
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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Note |
Eric was a retired employee of Irving Equipment where he work for 41 years. He will be missed by his cats Chip and Peppy. Eric was a devoted family man and enjoyed life to the fullest, spending time with family was his life, especially his grand-c hildren. Eric had many hobbies, fixing cars, bowling, hunting, golfing, spending time at his trailer at TNT Campground, music, dancing and playing the spoons. In his younger years he was an active Lancaster hockey and ball sportsman. He was an act ive member of the 4th degree of the K of C #6770 and an honorary member of the 30 Up Club. |
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Éric Vautour