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Margaret Brooks
ID : I324022
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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Naissance |
Décès |
Funérailles |
Sépulture |
Note |
Margaret enjoyed the many joys of her nieces and nephews. Margaret was an employee of Downey Ford at Haymarket Square in the service department since her graduation (St Vincents) 1962 until 1988. She was a passionate reader and collector, read y to discuss at great lengths any books she had recently read with family and friends. The joys of nature brought her much happiness watching the birds and deer from her special window and deck as well enjoying the flower planters and checking ou t Gilbert working in the vegetable garden. Margaret was enthusiastic about quilting and needle work for many years. |
1. |
Godin, Gilbert
ID : F135600
Type : |
Mariés |
Enfants : |
0 |
Résidence familiale : |
Saint-Jean en 2009 et en 2011 |
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Adopté par le père |
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Adopté par la mère |
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Parent par alliance |
V |
Individu vivant |
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Margaret Brooks